100% Satisfaction Guarantee

 * Our Guarantee is simple! If you're not happy with the quality of our workmanship then we'll make it right for free.

Our Guarantee Goal:

It is our goal to provide each customer with the expectation of service they request. It is our goal to satisfy their expectation with the outlined of scope of work. It is everyone's responsibility to feel comfortable with the scope of work before any work is done to avoid disappointments. It is our management's goal to make sure all safety measures are met and satisfaction is accomplished.

Limits and Conditions:


Limited to getting what you paid for. This means if you knowingly took a lesser price to settle for a lesser quality of job and this was your decision. We can't do the quality of job of the greater price for free but we will do the work as indicated on our work order. Simply put if you are knowingly asking for cheap then cheap is what you'll get. (Note: we cater to all aspects of pricing due to the needs of each individual customer. Investors tend to want cheap work to rent or sell and the property owners tend to want quality workmanship. We offer both.)

Limited to the outline of work written on our work order, which must be signed as accepted.

Our limits are of reasonable guidelines and are subject to fairness. Pricing is to be written on a work order before work is to be done and signed by customer as an agreement of scope of work. The misinterpretation of written content does happen and as such we resort to what is reasonable and fair.


We do not guarantee product. If a product is installed and defective either new or used we are not responsible. In this case we would give you a discounted redo price.  We do take responsibility for products we break.

Policy for guarantee:

On occurrence of dissatisfaction of quality of workmanship it is your responsibility to first point out your dissatisfaction to the handyman and give him/her the opportunity to make good. If this doesn't resolve your satisfaction then contact corporate at 1-800-476-9914 and the office will assist. It is NOT our policy to give refunds or discounts for unhappy customers but rather to make good of our workmanship, if the workmanship is what is responsible for your dissatisfaction then we will consider any means to bring you to your satisfaction.